5 Reasons Why You NEED a Meal Plan

5 Reasons Why You NEED a Meal Plan

It took me a long time to realize just how much I needed a meal plan. Weeknights were always hectic. There was always a last minute project, sports event, or crisis that needed my full attention and our household has kept our fair share of pizza delivery drivers employed!

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22 Free Things to do With Kids in Summer

Summer break is right around the corner and your little ones will be home around the clock. While you can look up expensive summer camps or resolve to having them glued to electronics for the majority of those hotter days, here are some frugal or FREE ideas that will get your kiddos OFF the screens.

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The Hierarchy of Confidence

So what is a Confidence Hierarchy? Modeled after Maslow’s pyramid - it has the basic concept of self at the core, but at the bottom, survival in the form of self preservation is the baseline. Confidence is on the next tier and comes only after self preservation is maintained, or mostly satisfied. Recklessness will not lead to confidence if consequences are too severe.

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3 Things To Do Every Morning for A Successful Day

If the first thing you do every morning when the alarm sounds is jump up and wake the kids up and start your day in a panic, you aren’t doing yourself any favors of setting yourself up for the day. If you give yourself some time to wake up and make better decisions, you are better able to serve your own needs and those of your family or anyone else you’re responsible for.

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated

No matter what goals you’re working towards, it’s possible to lose motivation or momentum. You could be wanting to lose 20 pounds but don’t see the scale move. Maybe you want to pay off debt, but your car broke down and your rent was raised. Things feel hopeless, but all is not lost! Here are a few tips to stay motivated, even on your worst days. Even during a global pandemic. Even if the end goal seems out of reach. Remember, small incremental changes will add up to big changes if you KEEP GOING.

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