Conquering Roadblocks to Live Your Best Life


Roadblocks to our goals are seemingly insurmountable obstacles preventing us from achieving our dreams. It’s possible to push past these roadblocks with some “out of the box” thinking and some “throw it at the wall to see what sticks” maneuvers, but it doesn’t have to be that dramatic.


Do you ever let things get in the way of your goals and dreams? No way, right? That never happens to anyone! I hope you hear the dripping sarcasm.

Well, in true Chaos Queens fashion, I want to help you simplify your roadblocks so you can smash your goals, just as the universe intended. Let’s breakdown the task into baby steps.


Step One: Knowing your ultimate goal is half the battle. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you know what’s stopping you from getting there? This might be the step that takes you the longest, but is obviously worth it.

Example - I want to start a podcast.


Step Two: What do you need (or need to eliminate) to make this happen? What’s the minor or major roadblock keeping you from the goal?

Example: I don’t have a microphone, a logo, or a way to publish my ideas.

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Step Three: What steps can you take to move you closer to eliminating the roadblock?

Example: Research the best microphones for podcasting, studio podcasting, kitchen table podcasting, etc. Go to and create a logo and album art for your podcast. Google is your friend. Search best podcast hosting sites. Some are free. Some are paid. What are the benefits to each?


Step Four: Find a mentor or guide that can help you through the process. It doesn’t have to be someone you know. The mentor doesn’t even have to know you exist. Find a blogger, podcaster, author or TikTok personality who is successful in the realm of your goals and study how they’re making it happen. You can even reach out to them with questions, why not?

Example: School of Greatness podcast with Lewis Howes. He has a podcast, books, films his episodes for YouTube. He might not answer if you reach out, but someone from his team might!


When my husband and I goal set, we like to play the “No B.S” game. As in - “No bullshit - what would it take to make my dreams happen?” Maybe your dream is to own a bakery. No B.S. - what would it take to get that dream up and running? And then, brainstorm all the things you would need to make happen. Don’t stop there, come up with potential roadblocks and then come up with solutions NOW, before you even get started. It will give you a playbook for when things inevitably go awry.

Step Five: Celebrate your success. Even checking off the first few baby steps from your list are cause to celebrate. You’re on your way now! Nothing can stop you unless you let it!


The bottom line is this: roadblocks can pop up in any area of our life. It’s easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed by them, but just like in my post about overcoming the overwhelm, you can take each roadblock a little at a time. Break down the obstacles into baby steps and celebrate each time you finish one. At the end of the day, the process of chasing your dreams or smashing your goals is part of the excitement to achieving them. Enjoy the ride and don’t let the roadblocks discourage you from following your passions.

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