Book List of 2019

Top 10 Book List of 2019

I’ve made it a point to read or listen to a lot more books this year. It has reignited my passion for learning and soaking in new information and different life perspectives. 

I wanted to share my list of Top 10 books I’ve read this year. Have you read any of these? What did you think? Do you think they are list worthy?

I’m planning a book club list for 2020. It will be a mix of personal development and fiction. The goal is to introduce you to books you normally wouldn’t read or share books we have been wanting to read. Make sure you follow me on social media to get more information about the Shannon Bally 2020 Book Club.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

I listened to this one on my Audible App and, let me tell you, it’s really freaking long. Over 19 hours of listening time if you do it in real time. Let me also tell you, it’s freaking worth it. I’m not going to get into political views or try to be divisive with my community, I just think it’s something everyone should read, listen to and experience.

With the behind the scenes look at the White House daily operations and how Michelle Obama decided on the initiatives she endorsed and backed, it was a truly eye-opening experience. If you love politics or hate them, this was an outstanding book. It was really well written, in my opinion.

Some reviews of the book say it didn’t go much into detail in areas that readers had wanted it to. Maybe there will be a sequel?

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is one of my absolute favorite personal development gurus. This book takes you through how to seek clarity, generate energy, raise necessity, increase productivity, develop influence, and demonstrate courage. Backed by nearly 20 years of research in working with high performers, Brendon gives you practical advice on how to up level your efforts in creating the life you really want.

Crushing It! By Gary Vaynerchuk

This is the follow up to Gary Vee’s 2009 book Crush It. I got this one on Audible, but honestly recommend the habit I usually partake in of purchasing the audio and hard copy of the book. Gary takes you through each of the major social media platforms and why they are working for entrepreneurs. Just to show you how quickly these platforms change, Gary discusses a platform called which is now TikTok (follow me on TikTok @shannonbally)

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist 

This book was actually released in August of 2016 but was recommended to me by a friend of mine when I just couldn’t shake my perfectionistic nature. In this book, Shauna Niequist encourages us to set aside perfection for the more practical habit of actually experiencing the life you’re living with the people who matter most to us.

The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

From the creator of the Miracle Morning movement, Hal Elrod. Hal identified that the Miracle Morning concept was changing lives but only if people were actually putting the tips into practice from his books. Hal’s formula for miracles is: Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Miracles.

Hal knows that the miracles he has been able to manifest in his life were brought about by expending extraordinary effort  on his goals until the last possible moment.

Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

If you don’t already know this, I’m pretty much obsessed with Rachel Hollis. I love her work, I love her authenticity and I love that she’s pro-military! Shout out to my fellow veterans! 

I bought the hardcover and audible versions of this book because I just loved writing notes in the margins and going back to certain passages for inspiration.

The audible summary states 

“Challenging women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams, Hollis identifies the excuses to discard, the behaviors to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to believing in yourself”

I mean COME ON!! Show me a woman alive who doesn’t need the pep talk in dream chasing that this book provides. Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but seriously, get this book.

The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

“The Alter Ego Effect is not about creating a false mask - it’s about finding the hero already inside you. It’s a proven  way of overcoming the self-doubt, negativity, and insecurity that hold you back.”

The audiobook of The Alter Ego Effect is just over 7 hours long and comes with a PDF download. The concept of tapping into the hero that’s inside of you really resonated with me and I loved discovering that so many famous people use this method in some form or another - think Beyonce as Sasha Fierce.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

“It’s more than just a fun phrase to say. It’s a philosophy of relentless optimism. A mindset. A mantra. A conviction.

Most important, it’s about to make you unstoppable.”

This is one of those books I loved listening to but also want the hard copy of. There are so many good tips, I really wanted to make notes and take quotes from it, which is really difficult to do when you’re driving and listening. Safety first, ya’ll!

I really love Marie’s attitude towards inspiring you to go after your dreams and stop making excuses for why you aren’t achieving your best.

Start with Your People by Brian Dixon

This is another one I listened to on Audible. I heard about this book on a podcast where the author was interviewed and I immediately took to his message. I love his exercise where he instructs you to survey your friends, family, and clients (past and present) about how they perceive you and what their opinion is of you. It truly is an eye-opening exercise. Brian Dixon makes you realize that impact and business should always come down to the people you are working with and working for. It’s a mindset shift that isn’t always easy, but comes with a huge benefit - kindness and humanity. I also like the exercise where Brian walks you through creating your own mission statement. 

Bonus Book:

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein 

This book is a little woo-woo for me but the principals Gabrielle Bernstein discusses on manifesting and relinquishing the need for control. The audio book is full of meditations which I couldn’t put into practice in real time since I’m usually driving while I’m listening, but they can all be found on her website, as well.

I appreciate the ideas that everything in the universe is connected. I believe it and I think Gabrielle’s exercises can make you feel more connected to everything and everyone around you. A basic lesson you can take from this book is not to be a jerk to anyone because that attitude, in turn, will come back to you in a negative way.

So, that’s my book list from this past year. Have you read any of these? Do you love them or hate them? What are some books you are excited about for 2020?

I will be leading a book club on my facebook page this year, so make sure you connect with me over there to get my book reviews in real time! The first two books will be The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout - this one is part of Oprah’s Book Club so I know it’s going to be good!

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