Shannon Bally

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5 Reasons Why You NEED a Meal Plan

It took me a long time to realize just how much I needed a meal plan. Weeknights were always hectic. There was always a last minute project, sports event, or crisis that needed my full attention and our household has kept our fair share of pizza delivery drivers employed! I always felt like the chaos of our lives didn’t lend to the rigidity of a meal plan, but I was so wrong! It actually helped so much!

Here are just a few reasons why YOU need a meal plan. Like, yesterday:

1. Time-saving: By planning your meals in advance, you can save time throughout the week. Instead of figuring out what to cook each day, you'll already have a clear plan and can streamline your grocery shopping and cooking process.

2. Healthier eating: Meal planning allows you to make conscious choices about the ingredients and portion sizes of your meals. By planning balanced and nutritious meals, you can ensure that you and your family are eating well-rounded and healthy foods. If you are focusing on portion control, I suggest using pre-measured plastic containers. Once you’ve measured/weighed etc a few times, you know exactly what your portions look like inside the different sized sections of the proportioned containers. It makes meal prep SOOO much faster.

3. Cost-effective: With a meal plan, you can create a shopping list based on the ingredients you need for the week. This helps you avoid unnecessary purchases and reduces food waste. By sticking to your plan, you can save money by avoiding impulse purchases or dining out frequently. If you have a very strict budget, you can plan out exactly how much everything will cost before heading to the grocery store. Many staples like canned goods or dry goods can even be purchased at bargain stores to save extra money.

4. Variety and creativity: Meal planning encourages you to try new recipes and experiment with different flavors and ingredients. It allows you to incorporate a diverse range of foods into your diet and keeps your meals interesting and enjoyable. We always leave at least one day a week in our meal plan to try a new recipe, or an old favorite we haven’t had for a long time.

5. Reduced stress: Knowing what you'll be cooking ahead of time eliminates the stress of last-minute meal decisions. You can also prepare some components in advance, making weeknight cooking less hectic and more manageable. This also helps reduce the amount of times your favorite pizza place is making deliveries!

Overall, meal planning promotes organization, healthy eating habits, and efficiency in the kitchen. It can simplify your life, enhance your well-being, and bring more enjoyment to your meals.

Do you have a meal planning routine? If you don’t, I have a super easy (and affordable) course for you! I will help you plan an entire year’s worth of dinner in less than an hour!

Sign up here ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Meal Plan Like a Pro!

I can’t wait to cheer you on!

